Marc Steinmayer, LL.M. (Torino)

Attorney (Rechtsanwalt)

Certified IP-specialist since 2022
Attorney since 2019
LL.M. in IP law at the University of Turin (2018/2019)
Research assistant at various law firms
Legal traineeship (Referendariat) at the Higher Regional Court of Berlin
Legal studies at the University of Berlin
Mandatory Community service in Munich ("Zivildienst")

Hobbies: Fishing, motorcycling, skiing

Publications: Co-author for Hildebrandt/Sosnitza, Kommentar Unionsmarkenverordnung, München 2021 and of Steinmayer/Hildebrandt: Darf's ein Champagnerchen sein? - Die Anspielung auf geschützte Ursprungsbezeichnungen, published in WRP 2022, 27-30 and author of German Bundesgerichtshof: Qualified geographical indications can be protected by trademark law also in the agricultural and foodstuffs sector